Tips for Migrating Your Open Adapter Scripts

Tips for migrating your Open Adapter scripts from Aleri to Event Stream Processor.

When migrating your scripts from Aleri to Event Stream Processor:
  • Set the $ESP_ADAPTER_HOME environment variable to <ESP_HOME>\adapters\open_adaptor.
  • Add -Djava.library.path=$ESP_ADAPTER_HOME/lib to the Java command when you invoke the adapter. For example:
    $AUTH -Djava.library.path=$ESP_ADAPTER_HOME/lib -cp $CP org.openadaptor.adaptor.RunAdaptor fileToAsap.props adaptor
  • In the AsapSource, SpPersistentSubscriberSource, and AsapSink property files, enable authentication by setting (only) one of these three properties to true:
    • UseUserPassword
    • UseKerberos
    • UseServerRSA
    See AsapSource Properties, SpPersistentSubscriberSource Properties , and AsapSink Properties for additional details on these properties.
Related reference
AsapSource Properties
SpPersistentSubscribeSource Properties
AsapSink Properties