FTP CSV Input Adapter Studio Properties

Adapter type: toolkit_ftp_csv_input. Set these properties for the FTP CSV Input adapter in the ESP Studio adapter properties dialog.

If you use the CCL ATTACH ADAPTER statement to attach an adapter, you must supply the adapter type.

Property Label Description
Column Delimiter

Property ID: csvDelimiter

Type: string

(Advanced) Specify the symbol used to separate the columns.

Date Format

Propterty ID: csvDateFormat

Type: string

(Advanced) Specify the format for parsing date values.

Timestamp Format

Property ID: csvTimestampFormat

Type: string

(Advanced) Specify the format for parsing timestamp values.

Has Header

Property ID: csvHasHeader

Type: boolean

(Advanced) Indicate whether the first line of the file contains the description of the CSV fields.

Steam name, opcode expected

Property ID: csvExpectStreamNameOpcode

Type: boolean

(Optional) If set to true, the adapter interprets the first two fields of the incoming CSV line as stream name and opcode. The adapter discards messages with unmatched values.

Charset Name

Property ID: charsetName

Type: string

(Advanced) Specify the name of a supported charest.


Property ID: host

Type: string

(Required) Specify the server name or IP address of the FTP server to which you are connecting.


Property ID: port

Type: int

(Required) Specify the port for the FTP server to which you are connecting.

Login Type

Property ID: loginType

Type: string

(Required) Specify the login type for the FTP server. Valid values: normal, anonymous.


Property ID: user

Type: string

(Optional) Specify the login account for the FTP server (required if loginType is set to normal).


Property ID: password

Type: string

(Optional) Specify the login password for the FTP server (required if loginType is set to normal).

File Name

Property ID: ftpFileName

Type: string

(Required) Specify the file name of the data file on the FTP server.

File Path

Property ID: ftpFilePath

Type: string

(Required) Specify the absolute path to the data file on the FTP server.

Transfer Mode

Property ID: transferMode

Type: string

(Optional) Specify the transfer mode for the FTP connection. Valid values: active, passive.

Buffer Size

Property ID: inputBufferSize

Type: uint

(Advanced) Specify the buffer size of the socket connection in bytes.

Retry Period

Property ID: retryPeriod

Type: uint

(Optional) Specify the period of time, in seconds, to try and reconnect to the FTP server if you disconnect unexpectedly.

Retry Number

Property ID: retryNumber

Type: uint

(Optional) Specify the number of times to try and reconnect to the FTP server if you disconnect unexpectedly.


Property ID: propertyset

Type: string

(Advanced) Specifies the name of the property set. Property sets are reusable sets of properties that are stored in the project configuration file. Using these sets allows you to move adapter configuration properties out of the CCL file and into the CCR file. If you specify the same properties in the project configuration file and the ATTACH ADAPTER statement, the values in the property set override the values defined in the ATTACH ADAPTER statement. No default value.