Web Services (SOAP) Input Adapter Studio Properties

Adapter type: soapinput. Set these properties for the Web Services (SOAP) Input adapter in the ESP Studio adapter properties dialog.

If you use the CCL ATTACH ADAPTER statement to attach an adapter, you must supply the adapter type.

Property Label Description
Adapter Configuration File

Property ID: configFilePath

Type: filename

(Required for adapter operation and schema discovery) Specify the path to the adapter configuration file.

Adapter Mapping File

Property ID: mapFilePath

Type: filename

(Optional for adapter operation; required for schema discovery) Specify the path to and the name of the adapter mapping (xml) file. This filename must match the name of the mapping file specified in the adapter configuration file.

JDK Location

Property ID: jdkHome

Type: directory

(Required for adapter operation and schema discovery) Specify the path to the JDK that the adapter uses. The JDK bit size should match the bit size of your Event Stream Processor installation. For example, if you installed Event Stream Processor on a 64-bit edition of Windows, install a 64-bit Java JDK. If you installed Event Stream Processor on Linux platform, install a 64-bit Linux Java JDK.

Discovery WSDL URL

Property ID: discoveryWsdl

Type: string

(Optional for adapter operation; required for schema discovery only) Specify the URL for the Web service WSDL to discover.

Discovery Working Directory

Property ID: discoveryWorkingDir

Type: directory

(Optional for adapter operation; required for schema discovery only) Specify the path to which temporary files are written during schema discovery.

Discovery Service Name

Property ID: discoveryServiceName

Type: string

(Optional for adapter operation; required for schema discovery only) Specify the name of the Web service to discover.

Host name of Proxy Server to Use

Property ID: proxyHost

Type: string

(Advanced) Specify the host name of the proxy server you wish to use for schema discovery.

Port of Proxy Server to Use

Property ID: proxyPort

Type: int

(Advanced) Specify the port of the proxy server you wish to use for schema discovery.

Non-proxy Hosts

Property ID: nonProxyHosts

Type: string

(Advanced) Specify the names of the hosts that do not use the proxy. Separate these names by |.

SSL TrustStore

Property ID: trustStore

Type: filename

(Advanced; optional for schema discovery) Location of SSL trust store to use for schema discovery. Set if you enabled SSL.

SSL TrustStore Password

Property ID: trustStorePassword

Type: string

(Advanced; optional for schema discovery) Password for the SSL TrustStore. Set if you enabled SSL.