Starting the Web Service (SOAP) Adapter

To start the Web Service (SOAP) adapter from the command line, start Event Stream Processor and execute the start command.

Have a JDK installed and ready for use. The JDK bit size should match the bit size of your Event Stream Processor installation. For example, if you installed Event Stream Processor on a 64-bit edition of Windows, install a 64-bit Java JDK. If you installed Event Stream Processor on Linux platform, install a 64-bit Linux Java JDK.
  1. Start Event Stream Processor.
    1. Start the example cluster.
      cd %ESP_HOME%\cluster\nodes\node1
        %ESP_HOME%\bin\esp_server --cluster-node node1.xml
    2. Compile CCL to create CCX.
      %ESP_HOME%\bin\esp_compiler -i model.ccl -o model.ccx
    3. Deploy the project on the cluster.
      %ESP_HOME%\bin\esp_cluster_admin" --uri=esp://localhost:19011 --username=sybase --password=sybase --add_project --workspace-name=w1 --project-name=p1 --ccx=model.ccx
    4. Start the deployed project on the cluster.
      %ESP_HOME%\bin\esp_cluster_admin" --uri=esp://localhost:19011 --username=sybase --password=sybase --start_project --workspace-name=w1 --project-name=p1
    1. Start the example cluster.
      cd $ESP_HOME/cluster/nodes/node1
        $ESP_HOME/bin/esp_server --cluster-node node1.xml
    2. Compile CCL to create CCX.
      $ESP_HOME/bin/esp_compiler -i model.ccl -o model.ccx
    3. Deploy the project on the cluster.
      $ESP_HOME/bin/esp_cluster_admin" --uri=esp://localhost:19011 --username=sybase --password=sybase --add_project --workspace-name=w1 --project-name=p1 --ccx=model.ccx
    4. Start the deployed project on the cluster.
      $ESP_HOME/bin/esp_cluster_admin" --uri=esp://localhost:19011 --username=sybase --password=sybase --start_project --workspace-name=w1 --project-name=p1
  2. Start the adapter.
    Operating System Step
    UNIX Open a terminal window and enter:

    cd $ESP_HOME/adapters/soap/bin

    ./ <adapter_config_file> <jdk_home> start>

    Windows Open a command window and enter:

    cd %ESP_HOME%/adapters/soap/bin

    adapter.bat <adapter_config_file> <jdk_home> start   >