WebSphere MQ Output Adapter

Adapter type: wsmq_out. The default WebSphere MQ Output adapter publishes a string in CSV format.

The WebSphere MQ adapter does not produce a header line because the schema of the stream publishing to the adapter determines the order and datatypes of the fields. Columns are published in the default display format for the appropriate datatype. The adapter prepends stream names and opcode instructions (insert, delete, update, upsert) to CSV data added to a queue. See the prependStreamNameOpcode property.

To run the adapter successfully in Linux and UNIX installations, set the LD_LIBRARY_PATH to point to the MQ client libraries to run the adapter successfully.

If you use the CCL ATTACH ADAPTER statement to attach an adapter, you must supply the adapter type.

Note: This adapter uses TCP/IP for transfers. To use other protocols, determine the appropriate configuration and interface properties for those protocols.
Property Label Description
Queue Name

Property ID: QueueName

Type: string

(Required) Name of the queue on the server to send messages. This queue must be managed by the indicated Queue Manager Name. No default value.

Queue Manager Name

Property ID: QueueManagerName

Type: string

(Required) Name of the queue manager on the server to send messages. No default value

MQ System Name

Property ID: SystemName

Type: string

(Required) Name of the MQ server system. This may be a symbolic name or an IP address. No default value.


Property ID: Port

Type: string

(Required) Port number on the MQ server system to which the MQ server queue listener is attached. No default value.

MQ Channel

Property ID: Channel

Type: string

(Required) Name of the MQ server channel associated with the queue. No default value.

CSV Field Separator

Property ID: CsvSeparatorChar

Type: string

(Optional) The CSV field separator, specify a single character. Default value is a comma ( , ).

CSV Escape Character

Property ID: CsvEscapeChar

Type: string

(Optional) The character to escape the meaning of special characters, including the field separator, escape character, and quote character. Default value is a backslash ( \ ).

CSV Quote Character

Property ID: CsvQuoteChar

Type: string

(Optional) The character to delineate the beginning and end of a field, which can include anything. Any embedded quote characters are escaped. Default value is a double quote ( " ).

Prepend Stream Name, Opcode

Property ID: prependStreamNameOpcode

Type: boolean

(Advanced) If true, every CSV record is prepended with stream name and an opcode. Default value is false.

Timestamp Column Format

Property ID: TimestampColumnFormat

Type: string

(Advanced) The format for timestamp values. Default value is YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS.SSS.

Date Column Format

Property ID: DateColumnFormat

Type: string

(Advanced) The format in which date values are stored in the file. Default value is YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS.SSS.

Runs Adapter in GD Mode

Property ID: enableGDMode

Type: boolean

(Advanced) If set to true, the adapter runs in guaranteed delivery (GD) mode and all GD-related parameters become required. Default value is false.

Name of Column Holding GD Key

Property ID: gdKeyColumn

Type: string

(Advanced) Specifies column name in the Flex operator holding the GD key. The GD key is a constantly increasing value that uniquely identifies every event regardless of the opcode in the stream of interest. No default value.

Name of Column Holding opcode

Property ID: gdOpcodeColumn

Type: string

(Advanced) Specifies name of column in Flex operator holding opcode. The opcode is the operation code (for example, inserts, update, or delete) of the event occurring in the stream of interest. No default value.

Name of Truncate Stream

Property ID: gdControlStream

Type: string

(Advanced) Specifies name of the control window in the GD setup. The control window is a source stream that informs the Flex operator of which data has been processed by the adapter and can be safely deleted. No default value.

Purge After Number of Records

Property ID: gdPurgeInternal

Type: int

(Advanced) Specifies number of records after which to purge the Flex operator. Default value is 1000.

Batch Size to Update Truncate Stream

Property ID: gdBatchSize

Type: int

(Advanced) Specifies number of records after which the control window must be updated with the latest GD key. Default value is 1000.

Delay Between Reconnection Attempts

Property ID: reconnectAttemptDelayMSec

Type: int

(Advanced) Number of milliseconds between attempts to reconnect to the WebSphere MQ server. Default value is 1000.

Maximum Number of Reconnection Attempts

Property ID: maxReconnectAttempts

Type: int

(Advanced) Number of attempts at reconnecting to the WebSphere MQ server before stopping. Use -1 to retry an unlimited number of times. Default value is 1.


Property ID: propertyset

Type: string

(Advanced) Specifies the name of the property set. Property sets are reusable sets of properties that are stored in the project configuration file. Using these sets allows you to move adapter configuration properties out of the CCL file and into the CCR file. If you specify the same properties in the project configuration file and the ATTACH ADAPTER statement, the values in the property set override the values defined in the ATTACH ADAPTER statement. No default value.

Related concepts
Guaranteed Delivery