Learn how to troubleshoot common errors.
Problem | Solution |
Replication Server Adapter's Data Discovery fails due to failing to access a row. | A stored procedure replication definition is defined using old Replication Server syntax create function replication definition. This format is not supported within the Replication Server Adapter. Drop the existing subscription and replication definition and redefine the replication definition using the new Replication Server syntax create applied function replication definition. |
Replication Server connection fails to connect to the Replication Server Adapter. |
A project or stream fails at startup with the following error: "Platform call returned error see console for details." | A primary key has not been defined within the stream. Select the appropriate column within the stream to define as a key. |
No data is flowing to the Replication Server adapter stream following a full configuration of the Replication Server replication definition, subscription, and Replication Server Adapter streams. | Verify the table in the source database is marked for replication
using "sp_setreptable". For example, on an ASE source table, use the
following to verify the table has been marked successfully. If the table is marked for replication, the following message returns: sp_setreptable 'TESTTABLE' - the following message returns: The replication status for 'TESTTABLE' is currently true, owner_off. (return status = 0). |
Only one row is inserted into a stored procedure stream. | Verify the Stored Proc Stream Operation parameter for the Replication Server Adapter has been defined as insertand the autogen parameter for the ra_pkey column has been set to true for the stored procedure stream. |
Long delays occur before a long-running transaction is applied to the Replication Server Adapter stream. | When using ESP batching, long-running transactions may see delays while the Replication Server Adapter waits for the Replication Server to send the final commit. This is expected behaviour. |
Only the first SQL statement in a batch is processed. | The ds_command_separator must be defined as ";". Otherwise, all statements beyond the first SQL are intepreted as invalid and thrown out. |
Dematerialization shuts down the Replication Server connection to the Replication Server Adapter. | Dematerialization is not supported. To clear the
dematerialization queue: identify the dematerialization queue using
an admin who on the Replication Server and
execute a drop_queue similar to
sysadmin drop_queue, 107, -2147483468 go. |
No errors are reported upon a failed SQL command within a batch process. | This is expected behaviour as a result of the ESP API. For performance reasons, the ESP API and RS Adapter do not wait for a confirmation on each transaction. |
Some unsigned bigint values fail to insert into the Replication Server Adapter stream, reporting a parsing error for the value. | The maximum UNSIGNED BIGINT value supported by ESP is smaller than the maximum value supported by the data source. Modify the datatype for the UNSIGNED BIGINT column within the Replication Server Adapter stream and change it from an INT64 to a STRING. |
Replication Server connection to the Replication Server Adapter fails and errors 84083972/13045 are reported by the Replication Server log. | Check the interfaces/sql.ini file on the Replication Server workstation and verify the entry for the Replication Server Adapter connection is defined properly and points to the ESP workstation.Verify that port corresponds with the TDS Port defined within the ESP Replication Server Adapter project. |
Data is resent although a persistent rs_lastcommit has been defined. | Verify that the persistent rs_lastcommit within the project has been defined with only one key and that the column is selected as the key in the "origin" columnn. |