Learn about features that are not supported in this version.
These features are not supported:
Guaranteed transactional consistency
Request function replication
The old replication server style function replication
Update of primary keys
If there are two different RepDefs that define the same
owner.objectname the columns from both will show up in
one discovered table.
Dematerialization of subscriptions
Drop subscriptions without using purge. If used with purge, the
Replication Server will initiate dematerialization, which is not
supported by the Replication Server Adapter.
Bulk materialization
Bulk insert
Replicating DDL must be turned off
dsi_bulk_copy must be set to off
dsi_compile_enable must be set to off
dsi_commit_control must be set to on
dsi_quoted_identifier must be set to off
Dynamic SQL set to off at server and rep def level
No spaces in table, column, or stored procedure names
No reserved SQL keywords allowed
No delimited identifiers
Truncate table
These features are supported, but Data Discovery does not detect them: