Example: Using a Simple Web Services (SOAP) Output Adapter
Set up a basic Web Services (SOAP) Output adapter. This Web service has no security
and communicates over HTTP.
Install Apache Tomcat.
Add Apache Axis2™ to Tomcat. Copy axis2.war to
tomcat/webapps, and start Tomcat.
Axis2 is automatically unzipped.
Ensure that the JDK_HOME environment variable is properly set. If it is not, you
can set using set_example_env.bat or
Remove any StockTraderService_messageUT.aar or
StockTraderService_transportUT.aar files from the adapter
examples/service directory if you previously ran those
Copy the examples/service/StockTraderService_noSec.aar file to
the tomcat/webapps/axis2/WEB-INF/services directory under your
Web server.
Modify the adapter_config.xml file by setting
<User> and <Password> to the username
and password used by node1 in $ESP_HOME/cluster/examples:
Modify set_example_env.bat or
set_example_env.bat by setting
ADAPTER_EXAMPLE_PASSWORD to the username and password used by
node1 in $ESP_HOME/cluster/examples.
Start the Web server.
Start the ESP node by running the start_node.bat or
start_node.sh script.
Start the ESP project by running the start_project.bat or
start_project.sh script.
Start the adapter by running the
start_adapter.sh or start_adapter.sh
Upload data to Event Stream Processor by using the upload.bat
or upload.sh script.
Look for output in the Web server's output log file to
verify whether the adapter is working.