The adapter directory contains all files, such as configuration files, templates, examples relating to the adapter.
bin\ (contains startup scripts and discovery scripts for the input and output adapters) config\ (contains xml and xsd files used by the adapter and external framework) examples\ (contains example configuration files for Web Service (SOAP) input and output adapters) bin\ (contains commands that you can run on the adapter) input\ (contains sample configuration files for the input adapter, also contains a META-INF directory which includes services.xml and .wsdl for the example) input_messageUT\ (contains sample configuration for an input adapter using WS policy driven username/token security and ssl) input_transportUT\ (contains sample configuration for an input adapter using transport level username/token and ssl) output\ (contains sample configuration files for the outputput adapter, also contains a META-INF directory which includes services.xml and .wsdl for the example) service\ (contains three .aar service archives; only deploy one of these at a time) StockTraderService_noSec.aar – used with the input & output examples StockTraderService_messageUT.aar - used for the WS policy example StockTraderService_transportUT.aar - used for the transport level example src\(contains source code for example services, including security and extensible security classes used by WS security) i18n\ (contains internationalization files) libj\ (contains the jar files required by the adapter) templates\ (contains helper scripts for starting and stopping nodes and projects, and so on) set_adapter_env (used to set the required environment variable for the adapter)