Set values for the RFC Polling Input Transporter in the adapter configuration file.
Parameter | Description |
Enabled |
Type: boolean (Required) Turns on polling for the RFC Input adapter. This parameter must always be enabled for the input adapter. |
TimeInterval |
Type: integer (milliseconds) (Required) The polling interval for the RFC Input adapter. |
Parameter | Description |
Host |
Type: string (Required) The host name of the SAP system to which the adapter is connected. |
SystemNumber |
Type: string (Required) The system number of the SAP system to which the adapter is connected. |
Client |
Type: string (Required) The SAP client number for connecting to an SAP server. |
SAPUser |
Type: string (Required) The user name of the SAP system to which the adapter is connected. |
SAPPassword |
Type: string (Required) The password for the SAP system to which the adapter is connected. Includes an "encrypted" attribute indicating whether the Password value is encrypted. If set to true, the password value is decrypted using the Keystore and KeystorePassword parameters. Default value is false. |
Keystore |
Type: string (Optional) Specify the location of a Java keystore file which contains the key used to encrypt or decrypt the password set in the Password parameter. |
KeystorePassword |
Type: string (Optional) Stores the password to the keystore file specified in the Keystore parameter. |
Parameter | Description |
(Required for the generic RFC mode only) Section containing the Functions, Function, and Mapping parameters for the adapter's generic RFC mode. |
Functions |
(Required for the generic RFC mode only) Section containing the RFCs you want the adapter to execute as specified by the Function parameter. You can specify multiple Function parameters. If you specify multiple RFCs, the RFCs execute in the order listed. This is called RFC chaining. |
Function |
Type: string (Required) Specify an RFC you wish the adapter to execute. |
Mapping |
Type: string (Required for adapter operation and schema discovery) Specify the name of the mapping file. |
Parameter | Description |
ReadTable |
(Required for the read table mode only) Section containing the Table, Mapping, RowCount, Fields, Field, Options, and Option parameters for the adapter's read table mode. |
Table |
Type: string (Required for the read table mode) The table from which the adapter obtains data while in read table mode. |
Mapping |
Type: string (Required for adapter operation and schema discovery) Specify the name of the mapping file. |
RowCount |
Type: integer (Required) The number of rows to be read while the adapter is in read table mode. |
Fields |
Optional) Section containing the Field parameter. If you do not specify this section, all columns from the table are read by the adapter. Specify this section to work around the total column size limit imposed by RFC_READ_TABLE in the case that a table has many columns. |
Field |
Type: string (Required) Specifies the names of the columns to be read by RFC_READ_TABLE. |
Options |
(Optional for the read table mode) Section containing the Option parameter. |
Option |
Type: string (Dependent required for the read table mode) Specifies the WHERE clause when querying the table during read table mode. If the Options parameter is specified, specify at least one Option parameter. |
Parameter | Description |
BW |
(Required for the BW mode only) Section containing the Query, MDX, Line, and Mapping parameters for the adapter BW mode. |
Query |
Type: string (Required for the BW mode only) Specify the BW query to execute MDX statements against. |
(Required for the BW mode only) Section containing the Line parameter which specfies the multidimension expression you want the adapter to execute. |
Line |
Type: string (Required for the BW mode only) Lines containing the MDX expression you want the adapter to execute. It is typical to have multiple lines as each line can contain no more than 75 characters. |
Mapping |
Type: string (Required for adapter operation and schema discovery) Specify the name of the mapping file. |