Error Handling for the Adaptive Server Enterprise Output Adapter

Various scenarios that write error messages in the ESP Server log.

Scenario Result
  • The database service specified by the service parameter is not for an Adaptive Server Enterprise database.
  • The connection information for the database is invalid.
  • The database table specified by the table parameter does not exist.
  • The permutation parameter is specified but one of the columns does not exist in the database table.
  • The database column datatype is not supported for a given Event Stream Processordatatype.
  • You did not specify the permutation parameter, and the stream or window attached to the Adaptive Server Enteprise Output adapter has a schema where the order, names, or count of the columns are different from the order, names, or count of the columns in the target database table.
  • The database contains a column that is not nullable and has no default value defined in the database, and a column mapping does not exist in the permutation for that column.

The Adaptive Server Enterprise Output adapter fails to initialize and logs an appropriate error message to the Server log file.

  • A row contains integer or long or money values that are too large to store in a given Adaptive Server Enterprise column datatype.
  • A row has a float value that fails to convert to the target numeric or decimal value.
During message flow:
  • A row is rejected.
  • The bad rows statistic is incremented.
  • An appropriate error message is logged to the Server log file.
  • An Event Stream Processor string value is longer than the varchar or char database column into which it is to be stored.
During message flow:
  • The adapter truncates the string value.
  • A warning message is logged to the Server log.
  • The warning messages in the Server log file do not contain any data from the rows truncated during message flow.
  • An Event Stream Processor binary value is longer than the varbinary or binary database column into which it is to be stored.
During message flow:
  • The adapter rejects the row.
  • An error message is logged to the Server log.
  • The error messages in the Server log file do not contain any data from the rows rejected during message flow.
  • A row contains a duplicate primary key of a row that is already in the database.

The given row and all other rows in the current batch are rejected and are not inserted into the database.