Configuring an Input Connection from Reuters

Modify the sample configuration file for your site's RMDS connection.


During the installation process, a sample configuration file (rfasub.cfg) was placed in the $ESP_REUTERS_HOME/config directory. This file, shown below, follows the Reuters format for configuration files.

# Change this if necessary.
# the port number of the P2PS (default 8101)
\Connections\Connection_SSLED\PortNumber           = 8101

# Change this if necessary.
# the user name to connect with (should be the DACS name if DACS is enabled)
\Connections\Connection_SSLED\UserName             = "triarch"

# Change this if necessary.
# a list of P2PS host names 
\Connections\Connection_SSLED\ServerList           = "localhost"

# Refer to RFA documentation for more advanced changes to the remaining entries
\Connections\Connection_SSLED\connectionType       = "SSLED"

\Adapters\SASS3_Adapter\requestQueueReadThreshold  = 1
\Adapters\SASS3_Adapter\mainLoopTimerInterval      = 200

\Adapters\SSLED_Adapter\masterFidFile              = "config/appendix_a"
\Adapters\SSLED_Adapter\enumTypeFile               = "config/enumtype.def"
\Adapters\SSLED_Adapter\downloadDataDict           = false

# Change the fileLoggerFilename appropriately for your setup
\Logger\AppLogger\windowsLoggerEnabled             = false
\Logger\AppLogger\fileLoggerEnabled                = true
\Logger\AppLogger\fileLoggerFilename               = "rfasub.{p}.log"

\Control\Entitlements\dacs_SbeEnabled              = false
\Control\Entitlements\dacs_CbeEnabled              = false

\Logger\ComponentLoggers\Connections\messageFile   = "config/messages/"
\Logger\ComponentLoggers\Adapter\messageFile       = "config/messages/"
\Logger\ComponentLoggers\SessionCore\messageFile   = "config/messages/"
\Logger\ComponentLoggers\SSLED_Adapter\messageFile = "config/messages/"

\Sessions\Session1\connectionList                   = "Connection_SSLED"
  1. Obtain this information from your system administrator:
    • Name of the server that receives Marketfeed data from RMDS
    • Port number on the machine to which your system connects
    • User name defined for your connection to Reuters
    • Name of each Reuters service to which you are subscribed
  2. Make a copy of the sample configuration file in your $MY_CONFIG directory:
    cp $ESP_REUTERS_HOME/config/rfasub.cfg $MY_CONFIG
  3. Use a text editor to open the configuration.
  4. In the \Connections\Connection_SSLED\PortNumber line, replace the default port number ( 8101) with the number used by your Reuters connection, if different.
  5. In the \Connections\Connection_SSLED\UserName line, replace triarch with the user name for your Reuters subscription. Keep the surrounding quotation marks. In the \Connections\Connection_SSLED\ServerList line, replace localhost with the name of the server that receives Marketfeed data from RMDS. Keep the surrounding quotation marks.
    If your system has more than one server receiving data from RMDS, include all of their names in a comma-separated list, in priority order.
  6. (Optional) In the \Logger\AppLogger\fileLoggerFilename line, you can change the name of the log file.
    The default file name specified here, rfasub.{p}.log, includes the string {p} which the Reuters library replaces with the UNIX process ID when it creates the log file.
  7. Save the modified file.
    The other parameters in the configuration file also affect the functioning of the Reuters Marketfeed adapter, and you may want to modify them as well.