Starting the Open Adapter

Start an Open adapter instance via a bootstrap class.

  1. Install Java Runtime Environment 1.7.0_1 or higher.
  2. Set the JAVA_HOME environment variable to JRE 1.7.0_1 root.
Start the Open adapter using a bootstrap class that reads the configuration file and starts the adapter components:
java - Xmx768M –cp ClassPath Bootstrap PropertyFile AdapterName
  • Xmx768M – Java parameter specifying the size of the memory heap. You can increase the memory size from 768 for adapter configurations that require more memory.
  • ClassPath – Java class path containing the JAR files or classes required by the Open adapter. This includes third-party JAR files. Refer to the component property files within the examples directory for more info on the class path used.
  • Bootstrap – the adapter bootstrap and a Java class that can be run as a command line program. The name of the class provided is org.openadapter.adapter.RunAdaptor.
  • PropertyFile – name of the properties file containing the component configuration for the adapter <adapterName>.props.
  • AdapterName – name of the adapter to start. When creating adapter configurations, SAP recommends that you provide adapters with descriptive names to simplify identifying and monitoring adapter processes.