SAP provides a variety of internal and
external adapters.
Unless otherwise noted, these adapters support the same platforms and
operating systems as the Server and Studio. See the Event Stream Processor Installation Guide.
Adapter Summary
Summary of adapters currently available from SAP.
Adaptive Server Enterprise Output Adapter
Adapter type: SAP_ase_out. The Adaptive Server Enterprise (ASE) Output adapter reads data from an Event Stream Processor stream and writes it to the Adaptive Server.
AtomReader Input Adapter
Adapter type: atomreader_in. The AtomReader Input adapter allows you to receive information from ATOM datasources.
Database Adapter
Event Stream Processor provides an input and output database adapter. The Database Input adapter receives data from a database table, and the Database Output adapter sends data to a database table.
ESP Add-In for Microsoft Excel
The SAP ESP Add-in for Microsoft Excel is a real-time data add-in for Microsoft Excel that lets you view and retrieve records from one or more running Event Stream Processor projects, as well as publish records to them.
ESP Web Services Provider
The ESP Web Services Provider receives data from a Web service client and publishes it to an ESP stream or window within an ESP project.
File CSV Input Adapter
Adapter type: dsv_in. The File CSV Input adapter reads a file in Event Stream Processor delimited format.
File CSV Output Adapter
Adapter type: dsv_out. The File CSV Output adapter writes data as a file in Event Stream Processor delimited format.
File XML Input Adapter
Adapter type: xml_in. The File XML Input adapter reads a file in XML format.
File XML Output Adapter
Adapter type: xml_out. The File XML Output adapter writes data as a file in XML format.
File FIX Input Adapter
Adapter type: fixfile_in. The File FIX Input adapter reads FIX messages from a file and writes them as stream records.
File FIX Output Adapter
Adapter type: fixfile_out. The File FIX Output adapter writes stream data as FIX messages to a file.
FIX Input Adapter
Adapter type: fixplugin. The SAP Sybase Event Stream Processor FIX adapter is an implementation of the opensource QuickFIX engine that has been integrated with the SAP Sybase Event Stream Processor API.
Flex Output Adapter
The SAP Sybase Event Stream Processor Flex Output adapter is a software interface that allows you to obtain data from streams in an Event Stream Processor project and provide it to a full range of Adobe Flex applications.
HTTP Output Adapter
Adapter type: httpplugin. The SAP Sybase Event Stream Processor HTTP adapter publishes data from Event Stream Processor to external clients.
JMS Adapter
Event Stream Processor supports these JMS Input and Output adapters: CSV, Custom, FIX, Object Array, and XML.
KDB Input and Output Adapter
Adapter types: KDBInput, KDBOutput. The SAP Sybase Event Stream Processor KDB Input and Output adapters allow data to be loaded from a kdb+ database into an Event Stream Processor project, and for output from an Event Stream Processor project to be stored in a kdb+ database.
Log File Input Adapter
The SAP Sybase Event Stream Processor Log File Input adapter reads from a log file and sends data to a stream.
NYSE Technologies Input Adapter
Adapter type: wombatplugin. The Event Stream Processor adapter for NYSE Technologies MAMA (NYSE adapter) connects to the Wombat market data infrastructure.
ODBC Driver for ESP
The SAP Sybase Event Stream Processor includes a modified version of the Postgres ODBC driver.
Open Input and Output Adapter
The SAP Sybase Event Stream Processor Open adapter is a version of the open-source openadapter™ (
Random Tuples Generator Input Adapter
Adapter type: randomtuplegen_in. The Random Tuples Generator adapter generates random tuples according to the given schema and sends the rows to the stream.
RAP Output Adapter
Adapter type: esp_rap_out_adapter. The SAP Sybase Event Stream Processor RAP adapter is an external adapter that publishes data from the Event Stream Processor to the RAP platform using the C SDK.
Replication Server Adapter
This external adapter receives data from SAP Replication Server and feeds that data into ESP. Like the RepAgent within ASE and the Replication Agents for other supported databases (such as MS SQL Server, Oracle, and UDB), the Replication Server Adapter does the necessary conversion to the datatypes of the target system, in this case ESP.
Reuters Marketfeed Adapter
The SAP Reuters Marketfeed adapter is a software interface between SAP Sybase Event Stream Processor and the Reuters Market Data System (RMDS). It uses the Reuters Marketfeed message format.
Reuters OMM Adapter
The SAP Sybase Event Stream Processor Reuters OMM adapter is a software interface between Event Stream Processor and the Reuters Market Data System (RMDS). It uses the Reuters Open Message Model (OMM) message format.
RTView Adapter
The SAP Sybase Event Stream Processor RTView adapter is an external adapter that streams data from Event Stream Processor to the RTView® Enterprise Dashboard. RTView Enterprise software from SL Corp. is required to operate this adapter.
Sample Input and Output Adapter
Adapter type: SampleAdapter. Edit and use the Sample Input and Output adapter as practice for building an external managed adapter.
SAP HANA Output Adapter
The SAP HANA Output adapter loads information rapidly from Event Stream Processor into a SAP HANA database.
SAP RFC Input and Output Adapter
The SAP Remote Function Calls (RFC) adapter is both an input and output adapter. The RFC Input adapter executes RFCs to import data from SAP systems into Event Stream Processor, while the RFC Output adapter exports data from Event Stream Processor into SAP systems.
SAP Sybase IQ Output Adapter
Adapter type: sybase_iq_out. The SAP Sybase IQ Output adapter reads data from Event Stream Processor and loads it into the SAP Sybase IQ database.
SMTP Output Adapter
Adapter type: smtp_out. The SMTP Output adapter sends an e-mail containing stream records.
Socket (As Client) CSV Input Adapter
Adapter type: dsv_sockout_in. The Socket (as Client) CSV Input adapter receives data in delimited format from outgoing network adapters.
Socket (As Client) CSV Output Adapter
Adapter type: dsv_sockout_out. The Socket (as Client) CSV Output adapter sends data in delimited format to the outgoing network.
Socket (As Client) XML Input Adapter
Adapter type: xml_sockout_in. The Socket (As Client) XML Input adapter receives data in Event Stream Processor format from the outgoing network adapters.
Socket (As Client) XML Output Adapter
Adapter type: xml_sockout_out. The Socket (As Client) XML Output adapter sends data in Event Stream Processor format to the outgoing network adapter.
Socket (As Server) XML Input Adapter
Adapter type: xml_sockin_in. The Socket (As Server) XML Input adapter receives data in Event Stream Processor format from the incoming network adapter.
Socket (As Server) XML Output Adapter
Adapter type: xml_sockin_out. The Socket (As Server) XML Output adapter receives data in Event Stream Processor format from the outgoing network adapters.
Socket (As Server) CSV Input Adapter
Adapter type: dsv_sockin_in. The Socket (As Server) CSV Input adapter receives data in Event Stream Processor delimited format from the incoming network adapters.
Socket (As Server) CSV Output Adapter
Adapter type: dsv_sockin_out. The Socket (As Server) CSV Output adapter sends data in Event Stream Processor delimited format to the incoming network adapters.
Socket FIX Input Adapter
Adapter type: fixsocket_in. The Socket FIX Input adapter reads FIX messages from a TCP server socket and writes them as stream records.
Socket FIX Output Adapter
Adapter type: fixsocket_out. The Socket FIX Output adapter writes stream data as FIX messages to a TCP server socket.
TIBCO Rendezvous Adapter
Adapter type: tibcorvplugin. The SAP Sybase Event Stream Processor TIBCO Rendezvous adapter subscribes to and publishes data from Event Stream Processor to the Rendezvous server.
Web Services (SOAP) Input and Output Adapter
The Web Services (SOAP) Input and Output adapters are SOAP Web services clients which connect to a Web service to obtain data to feed into Event Stream Processor and deliver output from Event Stream Processor to a Web service.
WebSphere MQ Adapter
Event Stream Processor supplies WebSphere MQ adapters that enable you to read and write to and from the WebSphere MQ queue and an Event Stream Processor stream.
Created April 29, 2013. Send feedback on this help topic to Technical Publications: