To use the JMS adapters, configure the queuing system with the naming server.
Queuing systems that support JNDI naming Servers.
Set up a naming Server.
Some queuing systems contain internal naming Servers that could connect to JMS adapters.
Set up the queuing system to use the naming Server to administer JMS objects.
For more information, consult the documentation provided with your third-party queuing system.
Obtain the JNDI context library and the URL to get to the naming Server.
Note: To use the Sybase Event Stream Processor Adapter for JMS to integrate or communicate with TIBCO Enterprise Message Services, you must have a valid license for TIBCO Enterprise Message Services from TIBCO or from an authorized TIBCO channel.
For example, for Apache Active MQ, these are org.apache.activemq.jndi.ActiveMQInitialContextFactory and tcp://localhost:61616.
Set the jndiContextFactory and jndiURL properties for the JMS adapter.
Obtain the name that the JMS connection factory is bound by.
Set the connectionFactory property to this name for the adapter.
Ensure that appropriate JNDI and JMS factory classes are in the Java class path.