Adapter type: jms_xml_in. The JMS XML Input adapter subscribes to XML-formatted text messages from a JMS queue or topic, and writes the messages as stream records.
Ensure that each message consists of an XML element. If opted, the element name corresponds to the stream name.
If you use the CCL ATTACH ADAPTER statement to attach an adapter, you must supply the adapter type.
< StreamOut ESP_OPS="u" stringCol="aaa" int32Col="22" int64Col="222" doubleCol="2.200000" dateCol="2008-03-13T08:19:30" moneyCol="222.2222" timestampCol="2008-03-13T08:19:30.123" booleanCol="true" binaryCol="FF00FE05FF" bigdatetimeCol="2008-03-13T08:19:30.123456" intervalCol="64000" money1Col="922.0" money15Col="337.000000000000000" />
<RecordType name="StreamIn_rec"> <Column datatype="string" key="true" name="stringCol" /> <Column datatype="integer" key="false" name="int32Col" /> <Column datatype="long" key="false" name="int64Col" /> <Column datatype="float" key="false" name="doubleCol" /> <Column datatype="date" key="false" name="dateCol" /> <Column datatype="money" key="false" name="moneyCol" /> <Column datatype="timestamp" key="false" name="timestampCol" /> <Column datatype="boolean" key="false" name="booleanCol" /> <Column datatype="binary" key="false" name="binaryCol" /> <Column datatype="bigdatetime" key="false" name="bigdatetimeCol" /> <Column datatype="interval" key="false" name="intervalCol" /> <Column datatype="money(1)" key="false" name="money1Col" /> <Column datatype="money(15)" key="false" name="money15Col" /> </RecordType>
The ESP-OPS attribute is optional. If omitted, the message is interpreted as an upsert. Ensure that the rest of the attributes have the same names as the corresponding stream columns, and that the columns with null values are omitted. This adapter supports schema discovery.
Property Label | Property ID | Type | Description |
Connection Factory | connectionFactory | string | (Required) Connection factory class name. No default value. |
JNDI Context Factory | jndiContextFactory | string | (Required) Context Factory for JNDI context initialization. No default value. |
JNDI URL | jndiURL | string | (Required) JNDI URL. No default value. |
Destination Type | destinationType | choice | (Required) Destination type. Valid values are:
Destination Name | destinationName | string | (Required) Destination name. No default value. |
Subscription Mode |
subscriptionMode | choice | (Optional) Specifies the subscription mode for TOPIC. Default value is NONDURABLE. Valid values are DURABLE and NONDURABLE. |
Client ID |
clientID | string | (Optional) Specifies the client identifier for the connection that is identifying durable subscription. No default value. |
Subscription Name |
subscriptionName | string | (Optional) Specifies a unique name identifying a durable subscription. No default value. |
Batch Size |
batchsize | uint | (Optional) Specifies number of records in a batch to commit in durable subscription mode. Default value is 1. |
PropertySet |
propertyset | string | (Advanced) Specifies the name of the property set from the project configuration file. If you specify the same properties in the project configuration file and the ATTACH ADAPTER statement, the values in the property set override the values defined in the ATTACH ADAPTER statement. No default value. |
Match Stream Name | matchStreamName | boolean | (Advanced) Ignore message if the XML element name does not match the source stream name. Default value is false. |
Date Format | dateFormat | string | (Advanced) Date format. Default value is YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS.SSS. |
Timestamp Format | timestampFormat | string | (Advanced) Timestamp format. Default value is YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS.SSS. |
Known limitations: