
The rfa element links the input adapter map file to the Reuters-side configuration file.


adapter                   (required, limit one)
  |----publication                   (required, limit one)
  |----streamMaps                    (required, limit one)
  |      '----streamMap              (required)
  |             |----itemName        (required, limit one)
  |             |----serviceName     (optional)
  |             |----sequenceNumber  (optional)
  |             |----itemStale       (optional)
  |             |----dataField       (required)
  |             |----updateNumber    (required)
  |             |----dateTimeField   (optional)
  |             |----FIDListField    (optional)
  |             '----nullField       (optional)
  |----recordTypeMap                 (optional)
  |      '----recordType             (optional)
  |----rfa                           (required, limit one)
  '----itemLists                     (required, limit one)
         '----itemList               (required)
                '----item            (optional)






Name Description Requirement
config The absolute path and file name of the Reuters-side configuration file for subscription (the sample file supplied with the adapter is $ESP_REUTERS_HOME/config/rfasub.cfg. Required
configDatabaseName Must be set to RFA. Required
enumFile The full path name of the Reuters-supplied file that lists each enumerated type along with the range of values it can take. Required
fidFile The full path name of the Reuters-supplied file that lists all of the valid FIDs. Required
sessionName A reference to a session name defined in the Reuters-side configuration file for subscription. Required
blank Specify a marker to use for blanks Optional
blankInt32 Specify a marker to use for blank Int32 fields Optional
blankInt64 Specify a marker to use for blank Int64 fields Optional
blankMoney Specify a marker to use for blank Money fields Optional
blankString Specify a marker to use for blank String fields Optional
blankDate Specify a marker to use for blank Date fields Optional
blankTimestamp Specify a marker to use for blank Timestamp fields Optional




<rfa config="$ESP_REUTERS_HOME/config/rfasub.cfg"
        sessionName="Session1" />

This example points the Reuters Marketfeed adapter to the Reuters-side configuration in the file rfasub.cfg. The list line in this configuration file is:

\Sessions\Session1\connectionList =                     "Connection_SSLED"

This line defines a session name that is referenced by other lines in the configuration file. When the map file references a session name in the sessionName attribute, it links the adapter to the Reuters-side configuration parameters identified by that name.