The subscription element contains one or more instances of the stream element, enabling you to configure the adapter to receive data from one or more streams.
adapter (required, limit one) |----rfa (required, limit one) '----subscriptions (required, limit one) '----subscription (required) '----stream (required) |----name (required, limit one) |----service (optional) | '----enum (required) |----stale (optional) |----field (required) '----constant (optional)
The output adapter map file can contain two or more subscription sections. At runtime, the publishing mechanism for each subscription section is instantiated on a separate thread, which provides scalability.
Name | Requirement |
stream | One or more |
Name | Description | Requirement |
name | A name for this subscription that appears in updates published on RMDS and in log file entries | Required |
<subscriptions> <subscription name="subscription1" > <stream name="stream1" > <name column="0"/> <field column="4" name="BID"/> <field column="5" name="ASK"/> <field column="6" name="TRDPRC_1"/> <field column="7" name="ACVOL_1"/> <constant name="PROD_PERM" value="1"/> </stream> </subscription> </subscriptions>
This example configures the adapter to publish some columns from stream1 using the name subscription1.