
The enum element maps the value of the Event Stream Processor stream's service column to a unique string that is prepended to the name element of an update published to RMDS by the adapter.


adapter                                   (required, limit one)
  |----rfa                                (required, limit one)
  '----subscriptions                      (required, limit one)
         '----subscription                (required)
                '----stream               (required)
                       |----name          (required, limit one)
                       |----service       (optional)
                       |      '----enum   (required)
                       |----stale         (optional)
                       |----field         (required)
                       '----constant      (optional)

If the Event Stream Processor stream from which you are publishing handles data items for the same symbol from different sources (the "Ask" price for IBM from NASDAQ and from S&P, for example), you can use the service and enum attributes in the output adapter map file to configure the adapter to differentiate between updates of the same value for the same symbol from different sources.






Name Description Requirement
value A possible value for the data stream column specified by the service element Required
prefix The string prepended to the value of the name element when it publishes updates received from the Event Stream Processor with the service value that matches prefix Required


The service element in the output adapter map file must contain one enum element for each possible value in the source column.


<service column="2" delim="_">
        <enum value="RDF" prefix="R"/>
        <enum value="ISFS" prefix="I"/>

Within a service definition, each enum element specifies a particular service. Based on this value, the published RICs are renamed to indicate the provider of the data. Assume that RIC.X is the RIC found in the name column. If the value in column 2 is RDF, the RIC becomes "R_RIC.X". If the value in column 2 is ISFS, the RIC becomes "I_RIC.X". If neither is true, no value is published.