Datatype Mapping for the Sybase IQ Output Adapter

Event Stream Processor datatypes map to Sybase IQ datatypes.

Any Sybase IQ column datatypes that are marked with an asterisk have data dependent limitations on the mapping. Due to the performance implications of the runtime checks on these mappings, Sybase does not recommend using them unless modification of your database schema is not an option.

Event Stream Processor Datatypes Sybase IQ Column Datatypes Notes
integer integer, bigint,

money, decimal(p,s),


tinyint*, smallint*

If a decimal column is used, p-s >= 10.

If the column type in the database is tinyint or smallint, the number is checked during message flow to prevent overflow.

long bigint, decimal(p,s),


unsigned int*, unsigned bigint *

If a decimal column is used, p-s >= 19.

If the column type in the database is unsigned int or unsigned bigint, the number is checked during message flow to prevent overflow.

float double, decimal(p,s),


For the double type, you must specify a precision of at least 16.

Float to decimal conversions are not checked and may result in incorrect data being stored if the precision and scale for the decimal is not large enough to store the float.

string varchar, char If the destination column is not large enough to store the string value, the value is truncated to fit the column and a warning is displayed in the ESP Server logs.
money decimal(p,s)*, numeric(p,s)*,

money, smallmoney*

For decimal and numeric datatypes,  s >= 4. If you set the precision to less than 19, the number is checked at runtime to ensure it fits.

If the destination is small money, the value is checked during message flow to prevent overflow.

bigdatetime timestamp, time If the destination column is time, the date information is discarded from the incoming data and only the time portion is stored.
timestamp timestamp  
date timestamp, date

If the destination column is date, the time information is discarded from the incoming data and only the data portion is stored.

interval bigint  
binary binary If the binary object in the Event Stream Processor stream is larger than the destination column in the database, an error is logged in the ESP Server log and the row is discarded.
boolean varchar(5), bit,

integer, bigint,

unsigned integer, unsigned bigint,

smallint, tinyint

If the column is varchar, the adapter stores "true" for true, and "false" for false.

If the column is a bit or other integer type, the adapter stores "1" for true or "0" for false.