The rs_lastcommit
table is non-persistent by default. It is held in memory and cleared when the stream is shut
down. This results in a full replay of all remaining items within the Replication Server when
the stream is restarted. Sybase recommends making rs_lastcommit persistent to minimize the
replay of transactions following a stream restart.
- Add rs_lastcommit to the project.
- Select the rs_lastcommit table returned as part of the schema discovery process
and click Next.
- Choose Create a new input window and click
- Set the "origin" column as the primary key.
- Configure rs_lastcommit to use the persistent log store.
- In the Palette, expand Shared
- Select and drag the Log Store component from
Shared Components over to the project.
- Edit the store property in rs_lastcommit so that it selects the log