Set up the Replication Server adapter, schema, and source location on the Replication Server workstation.
The adapter copies information from one database to another. These configuration instructions are compatible with source data coming from the Sybase Adaptive Server Enterprise database, as well as other databases.
[RSadapter] query=TCP,my_workstation,5100
create user rsuser set password rspassword go
create connection to RSadapter.RSadapter set error class to srsa_error_class set function string class srsa_function_class set username rsuser set password rspassword set batch to “off” with dsi_suspended go alter connection to RSadapter.RSadapter set replication server error class to srsa_rs_error_class go
alter connection to RSadapter.RSadapter set replicate_minimal_columns to 'off' go
alter connection to RSadapter.RSadapter set batch to 'on' go alter connection to RSadapter.RSadapter set dsi_cmd_separator to ';' go
create replication definition TESTrep with primary at ASEHOST.sourcedb with all tables named ‘TEST’ (ID int, FNAME char(15)) primary key (ID) go
sp_setreptable ‘TEST’, true go
create subscription TESTsub for TESTrep with replicate at RSadapter.RSadapter without materialization go