The Subscription wizard pane enables you to define and control one or more subscription queries, the results of which appear in the Excel worksheet.
The ESP Add-in for Microsoft Excel keeps track of the locations of your queries even if its defined cells are shifted horizontally or vertically.
Component | Description |
Subscription Queries | Enter the name of a new query, or choose a previously defined query. When you select a previously saved query, you see all information associated with that query. |
Connection Name | Select the connection associated with the query. You can run a query only if the associated connection is active. |
Start Cell | Enter the location in the Excel worksheet in which to start inserting the real-time data formulas. Specify the location in “A1” notation; for example, a value of B5 tells the ESP Add-in for Microsoft Excel to insert the formulas as a grid starting at column B, row 5. |
Max Rows | Enter the number of records (maximum value 65536) to appear in the Excel worksheet. When there are more rows to be shown than the number specified, the oldest records are discarded. |
Get Base Transactions | Retrieve base records from a stream before new transactions.
Leave this field unselected to retrieve only new transactions. For small tables with relatively few new transactions select this option, so you can see query data. Otherwise, the data for the query does not appear. However, for dynamic tables with high transaction activity, leave this option unselected: otherwise, Excel tries to potentially load millions of records every time it starts. |
Lossy Subscription | To turn on the this option, click on the box to put a check
in it. To leave it turned off, leave the box unchecked. This
option is typically used when the network connection between the
client and Event Stream Processor is slow. If this option is on, the client may not get all transactions if it cannot keep up with the Event Stream Processor. If this option is off, the client receives all transactions at the expense of potentially slowing down the Event Stream Processor, especially if the network is slow and the subscription buffer is filled up. |
Streams | Displays all the streams available in the server with which the selected connection is associated. These streams automatically appear when you select a connection. |
Columns | When one of the streams is selected, this area displays each column, along with its datatype and a check box to indicate whether or not it is a key column. You can choose a different key column for the stream than the specified one. |
SQL Statement | To customize data retrieved from Event Stream Processor, specify a SQL statement. The statement cannot include joins, GROUP BY, and ORDER BY clauses as the SQL is applied to individual transaction logs for the stream, not the data in the stream. See the Utilities Guide for information about esp_query supported SQL syntax. This option is available only if SQL Statement is selected as the stream with which the connection is associated. |
Parse SQL | Parse the contents of the SQL Statement field. If the SQL parses successfully, the column names and corresponding datatypes appear in the Columns field. By default, while none of the columns are marked as key fields, the appropriate key columns must be selected before the real-time data query is applied. |
Apply | Apply the real-time data formulas in the Excel worksheet after configuring a new subscription or modifying an existing subscription. Once the formulas have been applied, you can start the query. |
Reset | Display the properties of the Subscription Query when it was last saved. Select this option if changes have been made to the query that need to be completely reversed. |
Delete | Delete a previously saved query. |
Start | Start the query. The data appears in the Excel worksheet. |
Stop | Stop the running query. No new data appears in the Excel worksheet. However, any data that appears continues to show until you close and reopen the worksheet, or restart the query. |