If the adapter is not working as expected, you can perform a quick
sanity check by executing the esp_rmdsomm command and
verifying whether the adapter is sending Reuters market data to Event Stream
Execute esp_rmdsomm:
esp_rmdsomm -v
This command returns the version information. Ensure that the Event Stream Processor to which you are connecting is compatible with your version of the adapter.
There are three quick ways to verify that the Reuters OMM adapter is sending
Reuters market data to Event Stream Processor:
Use the Studio or the esp_subscribe command to check the output of the stream configured to receive Reuters
Use the tail command on the redirected adapter log file (specified in the adapter map file) or the Reuters subscriber
log (specified in the configuration file rmdsomm.cfg) for activity.
Run the esp_rmdsomm command with the -d7 option to produce verbose output.