Modify the sample configuration file for your site's RMDS connection.
If you have multiple adapters using multiple RMDS connections, you may need a separate and
uniquely named configuration file for each one. For a configuration file with a different
name, either change the entry in the output adapter map file or specify that file name using
the -F option to the esp_rmdsomm command.
- Create (or choose) a directory in which to store your site-specific configuration files.
- Create an environment variable (MY_CONFIG) and set it to the full path name of that directory.
During the installation process a sample configuration file,
rmdsomm.cfg, was placed in the
$ESP_RMDSOMM_HOME/config directory. This file follows the
Reuters format for configuration files, and includes sections for site-specific
information for noninteractive and interactive publishing to RMDS.
- Obtain this information from your system administrator:
- Port number at which the src_dist or RMDS infrastructure server listens for
updates from the Reuters OMM adapter
- Name of the server that receives updates from Event Stream Processor
- Decide whether to publish to RMDS interactively or non-interactively.
- If you have not already done so when specifying an input connection from Reuters, make a copy of the
sample configuration file in your $MY_CONFIG directory.
cp $ESP_RMDSOMM_HOME/config/rmdsomm.cfg $MY_CONFIG
- Use a text editor to open the configuration file.
- If you are going to publish to RMDS interactively, go to the site-specific
information section for interactive publishing. In the
\Connections\Connection_RSSL_PROV\connectionType line,
refer to the value “RSSL_PROV,” which is the Reuters term for an information
## Site-specific values for OMM Outbound - Interactive publishing to RMDS
# Interactive publisher
\Connections\Connection_RSSL_PROV\connectionType = "RSSL_PROV"
## grab a free port until the MDH is setup with 2nd src_dist instance
\Connections\Connection_RSSL_PROV\rsslPort = "14007"
\Connections\Connection_RSSL_PROV\connectRetryInterval = 7000
\Connections\Connection_RSSL_PROV\hostName = ""
\Sessions\SessionOMMProv\connectionList = "Connection_RSSL_PROV"
In the \Connections\Connection_RSSL_PROV\rsslPort line,
replace the default port number (14007) with the port number at which your IPC
server listens for updates from the Reuters OMM adapter, if different.
- If you are going to publish to RMDS non-interactively, go to the site-specific
information section for noninteractive publishing. In the
\Connections\Connection_RSSL_CPROV\connectionType line,
refer to the value “RSSL_CPROV,” which is the Reuters term for a client
## Site-specific values for OMM Outbound - Non-interactive publishing to RMDS
# non-interactive publisher
\Connections\Connection_RSSL_CPROV\connectionType = "RSSL_CPROV"
\Connections\Connection_RSSL_CPROV\hostName = ""
## Within Sybase, this non-standard port is a proxy to the standard 14003
\Connections\Connection_RSSL_CPROV\rsslPort = "14010"
\Connections\Connection_RSSL_CPROV\connectRetryInterval = 7000
\Sessions\SessionOMMCProv\connectionList = "Connection_RSSL_CPROV"
In the \Connections\Connection_RSSL_CPROV\rsslPort line, replace the default port number (14010) with the port number at which your IPC server listens for updates from the Reuters OMM adapter,
if different.
- To change the name of the log file, go to the local file logging section.
## General values
## local file logging
\Logger\AppLogger\windowsLoggerEnabled = false
\Logger\AppLogger\fileLoggerEnabled = true
\Logger\AppLogger\fileLoggerFilename = "rfa.{p}.log"
In the \Logger\AppLogger\fileLoggerFilename line, replace
the default name, rfapub.{p}.log, with the name you want to use.
The Reuters library replaces the {p} string in the default file name with the UNIX
Process ID when it creates the log file.
- Save the modified file.