Reuters OMM Adapter

The Sybase Event Stream Processor Reuters OMM adapter is a software interface between Event Stream Processor and the Reuters Market Data System (RMDS). It uses the Reuters Open Message Model (OMM) message format.

You can configure the adapter as an input or output adapter. The input adapter subscribes to one or more Reuters Instrument Codes (RICs) on the RMDS to provide input to Event Stream Processor. The output adapter publishes output from Event Stream Processor to the RMDS. This enables Event Stream Processor to use the speed and reliability of Reuters' infrastructure to deliver data.

The Reuters OMM Input adapter supports schema discovery. Run two adapter instances if you require both input and output capabilities.

The adapter runs only on Solaris and Linux operating systems but you can use it with Event Stream Processor software running on Solaris, Linux, or Windows.

Related reference
Adapter Support for Schema Discovery