Identify which columns from
which streams in Event Stream Processor to publish data from.
The Reuters Marketfeed adapter can rearrange the columns from a stream in any order. Its output can also include constants, and the published output can include values from more than one stream.
Consider these items when planning the output of the Reuters Marketfeed Output adapter:
- For each stream for which to publish data, you must specify a
unique key in the output adapter map file. Since this adapter sends data to
RMDS, the unique identifier should be an RIC.
- Each data column you want to publish from any stream must map to
a unique FID.
- Data from one column can be repeated in the published output,
giving you a way to publish a DateTime value as separate Date and Time
- If the stream you are working with receives data about the same
FID from more than one service, you can configure the adapter to differentiate
these data items by service and transmit each service's data separately.
- The first time the Reuters Marketfeed adapter publishes to RMDS,
it publishes values for all the columns for which it is configured. After that
initial image, the adapter only publishes updates for individual columns as
these updates occur.