Session Properties

Properties in sessionProperties sections identify inbound and outbound FIX sessions and indicate the main streams of the stream clusters that host data exchanged during FIX sessions.

Property Name Type Description
TargetCompID string (Required) The session identifier. No default value.
Note: An inbound and an outbound session with the same identifier are implemented as a single two-way session.
streamNames streamNamesType (Required) Specifies the lists the names of the main streams in stream clusters where messages exchanged over this FIX session are hosted.
  • For inbound sessions, unmapped messages are ignored; mapped messages are written to all stream clusters as they are mapped to.
  • For outbound sessions, the header and trailer fields are added or updated, if necessary, to ensure the validity of the outgoing FIX messages.
Note: Two stream clusters hosting messages of the same type are not required to share the same structure.