Default Settings

Properties used to configure default settings for all session connections.

Property Name Type Description
ConnectionType string (Required) Specifies whether the adapter acts as a server or a client. Valid values are:
  • Acceptor – The adapter acts as a server accepting connection requests from FIX session initiators.
  • Initiator – The adapter acts as a client connecting to FIX session acceptors.
No default value.
Note: Each adapter instance operates in either acceptor mode or initiator mode, but cannot operate in both modes simultaneously.
SocketAcceptPort nonNegativeInteger (Required) Specifies the port on which the adapter listens for connections from FIX session initiators. No default value.

Operates only in initiator mode.

FileLogPath string (Required) Specifies the directory path for message logs. Both absolute and relative paths are accepted. No default value.
FileStorePath string (Required) Specifies the directory path for message stores. Both absolute and relative paths are accepted. No default value.
StartTime string (Required) Specifies the time of the day when the FIX session is activated. No default value.
EndTime string (Required) Specifies the time of the day when the FIX session is deactivated. No default value.
DataDictionary string (Required) Specifies the absolute or relative paths to the FIX dictionary file path. No default value.
BeginString string (Required) Specifies the value of the BeginString field (tag 8) in outbound FIX messages. No default value.
SenderCompID string (Required) Specifies the value of the SenderCompID field (tag 49) in outbound FIX messages. An adapter instance uses the same SenderCompID value for all session connections.
HeartBtInt nonNegativeInteger (Optional) Specifies the heartbeat interval, in seconds. Default value is 10.

Operates only in initiator mode.

ReconnectInterval positiveInteger (Optional) Specifies the interval between reconnection attempts, in seconds.

The adapter keeps trying to reconnect if it fails to connect to the acceptor engine at startup or if the connection is lost afterward. Default value is 30.

Operates only in initiator mode.

LogonTimeout nonNegativeInteger (Optional) Specifies the number of seconds to wait for a logon response before disconnecting from the acceptor engine. Default value is 10.

Operates only in initiator mode.

LogoutTimeout nonNegativeInteger (Optional) Specifies the number of seconds to wait for a logout response before disconnecting from the acceptor engine. Default value is 2.

Operates only in initiator mode.