Miscellaneous Functions

Describes miscellaneous APIs supported for Event Stream Processor adapters.

API Description
int getNumGood(void* adapter); The server calls this API to retrieve information from the adapter implementation about the number of good rows processed by the adapter.
int getNumBad(void* adapter); The server calls this API to retrieve information from the adapter implementation about the number of bad rows processed by the adapter.
int getNumRows(void* adapter); The server calls this API to get information from the adapter implementation about the total number of rows processed by the adapter.
bool canDiscover(void* adapter); The server calls this API to retrieve information from the adapter implementation about whether it supports schema discovery functionality.
bool hasError(void* adapter); The server calls this API to get information from the adapter implementation about whether there were any errors during the processing of data.
void getError(void* adapter, char**errorString); The server calls this API to get error information from the adapter implementation.