External Adapter Properties

See examples in $ESP_HOME/lib/connections/PLUGIN_TEMPLATE.cnxmlfor a sample cnxml file that may be copied and customized. It has all possible internal parameters embedded in it, and has comment blocks indicating their usage.

Property Id Type Description
x_paramFile string Specifies the file name that where the adapter framework writes all internal and user-defined parameters. It may use other internal parameters in specifying the file name. For example:
x_paramFormat string Set to prop, shell, or xml to choose the format for the parameter file.
x_addParamFile boolean Determines if the parameter file name is automatically appended to all x_cmd* strings. For example, if you specify the command as cmd -f, and this is set to true, the actual command is executed as cmd -f <value of x_paramFile>.
x_initialOnly boolean If true, does initial loading only. Set to false for continuous loading. Initial loading is useful for adapters that start, load some static data then finish, thus allowing another adapter group to start up in a staged loading scenario.
x_killRetryPeriod integer If this parameter is >0 the x_{unix,win}CmdStop command is retried every x_killRetry seconds, until the framework detects that the x_{unix,win}CmdExec command has returned. If it is equal to zero, run the x_{unix,win}CmdStop command only once and assume that it has stopped the x_{unix,win}CmdExec command.