Connection Wizard

The Connection wizard enables you to simultaneously connect to one or more instances of Event Stream Processor.

The connection information for an Excel workbook is saved with the workbook.

Component Description
Connections Enter the name of a new connection, or select from a list of previously defined connections. When you select a connection, all the information associated with that connection appears.
Host (Required) Enter the host name for the Event Stream Processor cluster manager to connect to.
Port (Required) Enter the port of the Event Stream Processor cluster manager.
Workspace Enter the workspace that the project is part of.
Project Enter the project to connect to.
User Enter the user name to connect to the cluster manager. This property is required unless you selected none as the authentication type.
Password (Optional) Enter the password associated with the user name.
SSL To connect to an Event Stream Processor cluster manager that was started with SSL mode enabled.
Authentication Type Select an authentication type from the list. The authentication type selected must match the mode that was used when starting Event Stream Processor.
RSA Key File If RSA authentication is selected, enter the RSA key file. You can either type the location and name of the key file, or click the button next to the field to browse and to choose the file.
Save Saves the connection information in a hidden worksheet associated with the active workbook. Connection when the active workbook is retrieved and shown.
Connect After providing all the information, click this button to connect to the server. If the connection is successful, only the Disconnect button is available for this connection. This also saves the connection information for future use.
Disconnect Drop the connection to Event Stream Processor. On a successful disconnect, this button is disabled and the Connect and Delete buttons are enabled. Any queries that are actively using this connection are stopped, after user confirmation, before disconnecting.
Delete Delete a connection.
Hide Hide the window while preserving all information. To redisplay the screen, click the SybaseRT button on the Excel toolbar.