Event Stream Processor Parameters

Event Stream Processor parameters configure communication between Event Stream Processor and the HTTP adapter.

These parameters are defined in the controller.xsd file in the config directory.

Parameter Name Type Description
espAuthType string (Required) Specifies method used to authenticate to the Event Stream Processor. Valid values are:
  • server_rsa – RSA authentication using keystore
  • user_password – Kerberos and LDAP authentication
  • none – No authentication

If the adapter is operated as a Studio plug-in, espAuthType is overridden by the Authentication Mode Studio start-up parameter.

espUser string (Required) Specifies user name required to log in to Event Stream Processor. It is required for any authentication scheme other than none (see espAuthType). No default value.
espPassword string (Required) Specifies the password required to log in to Event Stream Processor. Required for any authentication scheme other than none (see espAuthType).

Includes an "encrypted" attribute indicating whether the espPassword value is encrypted. Default value is false. If set to true, the password value is decrypted using espRSAKeyStore and espRSAKeyStorePassword.

espProjectUri string (Required) Specifies the total project Uri to connect to Event Stream Processor cluster. For example, esp://localhost:19011/ws1/p1.
pulseInterval non-negative integer (Optional) Specifies time interval, in seconds, during which outbound record changes are coalesced by Event Stream Processor, then received by the adapter as a single event.

If not set or set to 0, record changes are received individually as they occurr.

espHeartbeatPeriod positive integer (Optional) Specifies number, in seconds, that adapter waits before sending the next heartbeat to Event Stream Processor.

If Event Stream Processor fails to receive two consecutive heartbeats, all records the adapter publishes are marked stale. Default value is 10.

recordQueueCapacity positive integer (Optional) Specifies capacity of the record queues. Default value is 4096.
maxPubPoolSize positive integer (Optional) Specifies the maximum size of the record pool. Record pooling allows for faster publication. Default value is 256.
maxPubPoolTime positive integer (Optional) Specifies the maximum period of time (in milliseconds) for which records are pooled before being published. If not set, pooling time is unlimited and the pooling strategy is governed by maxPubPoolSize. No default value.
useTransactions boolean (Optional) If set to true, pooled messages are published to Event Stream Processor in transactions. If set to false, they are published in envelopes. Default value is false.
espRSAKeyStore string (Dependent required) Specifies the location of the RSA keystore, and is used to decrypt the password value. Required if espAuthType is set to server_rsa, or the encrypted attribute for espPassword is set to true, or both.
espRSAKeyStorePassword string (Dependent required) Specifies the keystore password, and is used to decrypt the password value. Required if espAuthType is set to server_rsa, or the encrypted attribute for espPassword is set to true, or both.
espEncryptionAlgorithm string (Optional) Used when the encrypted attribute for espPassword is set to true. If left blank, RSA is used as default.
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Message Flow