Editing in the CCL Editor

Update and edit CCL code as text in the Studio CCL editor.

  1. Click the SAP Sybase ESP Authoring tab.
  2. In Project Explorer, expand the project container, and double-click the .ccl file name to open it in the CCL editor.
    Note: Advanced CCL users can include multiple CCL files in the same project, by using an IMPORT statement to import shared schemas and module definitions from another file.
  3. Begin editing text in the CCL editor window.
    Tip: If you open a .ccl file in the CCL editor when the same project is open in the Visual editor, the CCL editor opens in read-only mode and you cannot edit the file.

    Close both the Visual editor and CCL editor for the project, and then reopen the project in the CCL editor.

    Note: Backslashes within string literals are used as escape characters. Any Windows directory paths must therefore be specified with two backslashes.
  4. (Optional) Press Ctrl+Space to show a syntax completion proposal.
  5. (Optional) To insert CREATE statement template code, right-click, choose Create, and then choose the element to create.
  6. Choose File > Save (Ctrl+S) to save the .ccl file and the project.
Related concepts
Project Explorer
Related tasks
Switching Between the CCL and Visual Editors
Compiling a Project