Creating a Project

Use the SAP Sybase Event Stream Processor Studio to create new projects that can run on the ESP Server.

Continuous queries are organized into projects that also define inputs, outputs, a schema and other options for processing event data.

  1. Select File > New > ESP Project....
  2. Enter a valid project name:
    • Must start with a lowercase letter, underscore, or dollar sign.
    • All other characters must be lowercase letters, numbers, underscores, or dollar signs.
    • Must not contain spaces.
    For example, enter myfirstproject.
  3. In the Directory field, accept the default location or browse to a directory in which to store the new project folder.
    ESP Studio creates three files in the named directory:
    • project_name.ccl – contains the CCL code.
    • project_name.cclnotation – contains the diagram that corresponds to the .ccl file.
    • project_name.ccr – contains the project configuration.

    For example, for a project directory named "trades," ESP Studio creates a trades.ccl, trades.cclnotation, and trades.ccr file in the trades directory.

  4. Click Finish to create the project files.
    The new project opens in the Visual editor with one input stream, NEWSTREAM, and an inline schema ready for editing.
Related tasks
Opening a Project
Importing an Existing Project
Editing a Project in the Visual Editor
Switching Between the CCL and Visual Editors