Project Configurations

A project configuration is an XML document that governs specific runtime properties of a project, including stream URI bindings, adapter properties, parameter values, and advanced deployment options.

Project configuration files are created and edited separately from the project they are attached to, and are identified by their .ccr file extension. View and edit project configuration files in the Project Explorer view in the SAP Sybase ESP Authoring perspective.

Configuration files maintain all run-time properties outside the CCL. Thus, you can maintain CCL and CCX files under version control, while varying run-time properties. This allows a project to be moved from a test environment to a production environment without modifying the CCL and CCX files.

By default, when a new project is created, a new project configuration file is also created. New configuration files are also created when Aleri models are converted to Event Stream Processor projects. One project may have multiple configuration files attached to it, so you can manually create new project configurations.