Creating a Log Store

Create a log store to allow recovery of data in a window in the event of a server shutdown or failure.

Consult with your system administrator on the size, number, and location of log stores, to ensure optimal performance.
  1. In the Visual editor Palette, in Shared Components, click Log Store.
  2. Select a location in the diagram and click to add the shape.
  3. Connect the log store to a window.
  4. Click Set Store Properties properties.gif and modify property values.
    Note: The table lists property names first as shown in the Properties dialog, then as shown in the Properties compartment of the store shape.
    Log Store Properties
    Property Description
    File name (FILENAME) The absolute or relative path to the folder where log store files are written. A relative path is preferred. The filename property only creates the directory for the last level specified. For example, if the property is set to C:\dir1\dir2\dir3, the dynamic.log file will be located in C:\dir1\dir2\dir3, provided that C:\dir1\dir2\ already exists and the ESP project has permissions to create dir3. If C:\dir1\dir2\ or permissions do not exist, ESP generates a runtime error and the project stops running.
    Max Size (GB) (MAXFILESIZE) The maximum size of the log store file in MB. Default is 8MB.
    Sweep Amount (%) (SWEEPAMOUNT) The amount of data, in megabytes, that can be cleaned in a single pass. Default is 20 percent of maxfilesize.
    Reserve Percentage (%) (RESERVEPCT) The percentage of the log to keep as free space. Default is 20 percent.
    Ck Count (CKCOUNT) The maximum number of records written before writing the intermediate metadata. Default is 10,000.
    Sync (SYNC) Specifies whether the persisted data is updated synchronously with every stream being updated. A value of true guarantees that every record acknowledged by the system is persisted at the expense of performance. A value of false improves performance, but it may result in a loss of data that is acknowledged, but not yet persisted. Default is false.
  5. (Optional) Select Default to make this the default store for the project (or module).
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