Editing SAP Sybase Event Stream Processor Studio Preferences

Edit preferences to customize the SAP Sybase Event Stream Processor Studio environment.

You can also access many of these preferences from the related Studio view.

  1. Choose Window > Preferences.
  2. Expand SAP Sybase Event Stream Processor, and then expand to the preferences you want to set. All preference settings are optional.
    • CCL Editor Settings – Set syntax coloring and template options.
    • Run Test – Set defaults for server connections, add new connections, set limits and filters for the StreamViewer and Server view, and set other options for running projects in Studio.
    • Compiler Options – Change the directory for the CCL compiler output (default is bin folder in your workspace\project folder).
    • Data Input Settings – Set file upload and SQL Query view options.
    • Manual Input Settings – Choose settings for the publishing data from Manual Input view, including defaults for all datatypes except money types.
    • Manual Input Settings - Money Types – Set defaults for the money(n) datatype.
    • Network Connections – Specify how Studio will connect to other machines on the network.
    • Shapes General – Choose defaults for creating and displaying shapes in diagrams.
  3. On each preference dialog, either:
    • Click Apply to save the new settings, or,
    • Click Restore Defaults to revert any changes you make.
    Only the settings in the current dialog are applied or restored.
  4. Click OK to exit the Preferences dialog.
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