SAP Sybase Event Stream Processor Studio Workspace Basics

In the SAP Sybase Event Stream Processor Studio workspace, you use different perspectives and views to run examples, create and edit projects, and run and test your projects in a running Event Stream Processor server.

By default, all perspectives are open. To switch to another perspective, click its tab, just below the main menu bar.
User Activities in SAP Sybase Event Stream Processor Studio Perspectives
Perspective Activities
SAP Sybase Event Stream Processor Authoring
  • Create and edit projects
  • Develop projects and diagrams in the Visual editor, a graphical editing environment
  • Develop projects in the CCL editor, a text-oriented editing environment where you edit CCL code
  • Compile projects
  • Import Aleri models
SAP Sybase Event Stream Processor Run-Test
  • Start and connect to servers
  • Run projects
  • Enter test data by uploading data files to a server, or entering data manually to a stream
  • Publish data
  • Execute a query against a running project
  • Use the Event Tracer and Debugger to set breakpoints and watchpoints, and trace the flow of data through a project
  • Record incoming event data to a playback file, and play back captured data into a running project
  • Monitor performance
Related concepts
Visual Editor Authoring
Related tasks
Running and Testing a Project