Creating a Module File

Create a new, separate module file that can be imported into a project.

You can create modules within a project, or in separate files that you can then import into a project. Create separate module files if you are likely to reuse a particular module often, in different projects. Module files are CCL files that separately hold a CREATE MODULE statement.

  1. Choose File > New > CCL Module File.
  2. Enter a file name.
    This becomes the module name, and must be unique across all object names in the scope for this module.
  3. (Optional) Specify a different folder.
    By default, the module is created in the workspace for the current project.
  4. Modify the module as required and save.
    To edit the CCL, see CREATE MODULE Statement in the CCL Programmers Guide.
Related tasks
Creating a Module
Editing a Module
Importing Definitions from Another CCL File
Using a Module Within a Project
Configuring a Loaded Module
Configuring a Module Repository