Adapter Support for Schema Discovery

Lists all adapters currently available from SAP, whether they support schema discovery, and if so, the properties they use to enable it.

For additional details on the adapter properties, see the specific adapter section.

Adapter Supports Schema Discovery Properties
SAP Sybase ASE Output Yes

DB Service Name

The name of the database service that represents the SAP Sybase ASE database into which information will be loaded.

AtomReader Input No
Database Input Yes

Database Service

Name of database service from which the adapter obtains the database connection.

Database Output Yes

Database Service

Name of service entry to use.

ESP Add-In for Microsoft Excel No
ESP Web Services Provider No
File CSV Input Yes
File Input Transporter
  • Dir
  • File
  • AccessMode
  • (Optional) ScanDepth
CSV String to ESP Formatter
  • ExpectStreamNameOpcode
File CSV Output No
File FIX Input No
File FIX Output No
File JSON Input No
File JSON Output No
File XML Document Input No
File XML Document Output No
File XML Record Input Yes
File Input Transporter
  • Dir
  • File
  • AccessMode
  • (Optional) ScanDepth
File XML Record Output No
FIX Input No
Flex Output No
FTP CSV Input No
FTP CSV Output No
FTP XML Input No
FTP XML Input No
HTTP Output No
JDBC Input Yes
JDBC Input Transporter
  • Host
  • Port
  • User
  • Password
  • DbName
  • DbType
  • DbDriver
JDBC Output
JDBC Output Transporter
  • Host
  • Port
  • User
  • Password
  • DbName
  • DbType
  • DbDriver
JMS CSV Input Yes
JMS Input Transporter
  • ConnectionFactory
  • JndiContextFactory
  • JndiURL
  • DestinationType
  • DestinationName
  • MessageType
  • (Optional) ScanDepth
JMS CSV Output No
JMS FIX Input No
JMS FIX Output No
JMS Object Array Input No
JMS Object Array Output No
JMS XML Input Yes
JMS Input Transporter
  • ConnectionFactory
  • JndiContextFactory
  • JndiURL
  • DestinationType
  • DestinationName
  • MessageType
  • (Optional) ScanDepth
JMS XML Output No
KDB Input Yes
  • KDB Server
  • KDB Port
  • KDB User
  • KDB Password
KDB Output Yes
  • KDB Server
  • KDB Port
  • KDB User
  • KDB Password
Log File Input No
NYSE Input Yes

Discovery Directory Path

Absolute path to the adapter discovery directory.

Open Input No
Open Output No
Random Tuples Generator Input No
RAP Output No
Replication Server Input Yes
  • RSSD Host
  • RSSD Port
  • RSSD Database Name
  • RSSD User Name
  • RSSD Password
Reuters Marketfeed Input Yes

Discovery Path

Reuters Marketfeed Output No
Reuters OMM Input Yes

Discovery Path

Reuters OMM Output No
RTView Output No
Sample Input Yes

Discovery Directory Path

Sample Output Yes

Discovery Directory Path

SAP HANA Output Yes

DB Service Name

The name of the database service that represents the ASE database into which information will be loaded.

SAP RFC Input Yes
  • Adapter Configuration File
  • Adapter Mapping File
  • SAP Host
  • SAP System Number
  • SAP Client
  • Username
  • Password
SAP RFC Output Yes
  • Adapter Configuration File
  • Adapter Mapping File
  • SAP Host
  • SAP System Number
  • SAP Client
  • Username
  • Password
SAP Sybase IQ Output Yes

DB Service Name

The name of the database service that represents the IQ database into which information will be loaded. 

SMTP Output No
Socket FIX Input No
Socket FIX Output No
Socket CSV Input No
Socket CSV Output No
Socket JSON Input No
Socket JSON Output No
Socket XML Input No
Socket XML Output No
Tibco Rendezvous Input No
Tibco Rendezvous Output No
Web Services (SOAP) Input Adapter Yes
  • Adapter Configuration File
  • Adapter Mapping File
  • Discovery WSDL URL
  • Discovery Working Directory
  • Discovery Service Name
Note: The adapter does not support schema discovery if you are using HTTP Basic Access Authentication.
Web Services (SOAP) Input Adapter Yes
  • Adapter Configuration File
  • Adapter Mapping File
  • Discovery WSDL URL
  • Discovery Working Directory
  • Discovery Service Name
Note: The adapter does not support schema discovery if you are using HTTP Basic Access Authentication.
WebSphere MQ Input No
WebSphere MQ Output No
Related concepts
Schema Discovery
Related tasks
Discovering a Schema