Configuring a Remote Cluster Connection

Use Studio preferences to manage remote cluster connections and authentication methods.

The administrator of the remote cluster must have provided the necessary information about the cluster: host name, port number, authentication method, and, if using RSA, the RSA user, password and keystore.
  1. To add a new remote cluster connection, select New Server URL in the Server View toolbar.
    Note: In the Server View toolbar, you can also select Studio Preferences and add a new connection through Sybase Event Stream Processor Studio > Run Test Preferences. Select New.
    Studio displays the New Server screen.
  2. Enter the host name and port number, separated by a colon, to use when connecting to the remote cluster. For example,
  3. (Optional) To enable encryption for Cluster Manager connections, select SSL.
  4. Select an authentication method: None, RSA, or User/Password.
  5. If you selected RSA, enter the following information:
    • RSA User: – Provide the key alias.
    • RSA Password: – Provide the keystore password.
    • RSA Key store: – Provide the file name for the key store which contains the private key.
  6. Click OK.
In the Run-Test perspective, the Server view accesses the list of stored server connections. Depending on the authentication method, Studio attempts to connect immediately (for None and RSA modes), or shows a login dialog for each cluster configured for User/Password authentication.
Note: To connect all listed servers, select Reconnect All in the Server View toolbar.