Complex Queries

Use the generic derived stream, derived window, and derived delta stream shapes to create more complex continuous queries in the Visual editor than the ones you can create with the simple query shapes.

A derived stream, derived window, or derived delta stream takes input from another stream or window, rather than directly from an adapter, and applies a continuous query to it. All of the simple queries in the Visual editor are a type of derived stream or derived window.

For example, to create a continuous query that applies both a set of join conditions and a pattern matching expression, use a generic derived window.

Choose the shape type according to your input, output, and retention requirements for data, and for preserving insert, update, and delete operations.

Derived Stream, Derived Window, and Derived Delta Stream Rules
Shape Input Output Retains state Preserves inserts, updates, and deletes
Derived Stream Another stream Stream no no
Derived Window Another stream or window Window As defined in Keep policy (default is keep all rows) yes
Note: In order to derive a window from a stream, a GROUP BY clause must be included in the query.
Derived Delta Stream Another window or delta stream Stream no yes
Note: A delta stream only accepts either inserts or deletes.
Related concepts
Join Types and Restrictions
Inserts, Updates, and Deletes
Related tasks
Editing Column Expressions for Windows, Streams, and Delta Streams