Connecting to the Local Cluster

Connect ESP Studio to the local cluster and run the project there.

Run Project run project enables you to run projects on the local cluster from either the Authoring perspective or the Run-Test perspective.
  1. In the Authoring perspective.
    1. Select a project and open it in either the Visual Editor or the CCL Editor.
    2. Select Run Project run project.
    The Server View in the Run-Test perspective opens, showing the project connection. A successful connection shows the server streams below the server folder, and the Console shows the server log for the project.

    If the connection is unsuccessful, you see a Server Connection error dialog.

  2. In the Run-Test perspective.
    1. Select Run Project run project.
      The system displays a list of projects in the Select Project pop-up window.
    2. Select the project that you want to run.
    Note: If you already have a project running, you need to select the drop-down menu to the immediate right of Run Project run project to bring up the list of projects.
ESP Studio acts as a node (cluster manager): automatically connecting to the local cluster and running the project on it.