Manually Entering Data to a Stream

Manually create and publish an event as input to a stream or window.

Manually publishing input events to a project is useful when testing a project.

  1. In the Run-Test perspective, select the Manual Input view in the lower-left pane.
  2. Click Select Stream (flex.gif) in the toolbar in the upper right corner of the Manual Input view. .
  3. In the Select Stream dialog, select the stream and click OK.
  4. Edit available data columns as desired.
  5. To edit more than one row of the data, select Edit Multiple Rows (schema.gif) and choose the rows to modify.
  6. If you are publishing to a window, indicate the opcode by selecting one of the data events. If you are publishing to a stream, only insert events are supported.
  7. (Optional) Select Use Current Date to change the value of any bigdatetime or date object in the manual input view to the present date.
  8. Click Publish to send the event to the project.
Related reference
Manual Input Settings