
CCL supports a variety of numeric, nonnumeric, and logical operator types.

Arithmetic Operators

Arithmetic operators are used to negate, add, subtract, multiply, or divide numeric values. They can be applied to numeric types, but they also support mixed numeric types. Arithmetic operators can have one or two arguments. A unary arithmetic operator returns the same datatype as its argument. A binary arithmetic operator chooses the argument with the highest numeric precedence, implicitly converts the remaining arguments to that data-type, and returns that type.

Operator Meaning Example Usage
+ Addition 3+4
- Subtraction 7-3
* Multiplication 3*4
/ Division 8/2
% Modulus (Remainder) 8%3
^ Exponent 4^3
- Change signs -3
++ Increment
  • Preincrement (++argument) value is incremented before it is passed as an argument
  • Postincrement (argument++) value is passed and then incremented
++a (preincrement)

a++ (postincrement)

-- Decrement
  • Predecrement (--argument) value is decremented before it is passed as an argument
  • Postdecrement (argument--) value is passed and then decremented
--a (predecrement)

a-- (postdecrement)

Comparison Operators

Comparison operators compare one expression to another. The result of such a comparison can be TRUE, FALSE, or NULL.

Comparison operators use this syntax:
expression1 comparison_operator expression2
Operator Meaning Example Usage
= Equality a0=a1
!= Inequality a0!=a1
<> Inequality a0<>a1
> Greater than a0!>a1
>= Greater than or equal to a0!>=a1
< Less than a0!<a1
<= Less than or equal to a0!<=a1
IN Member of a list of values. If the value is in the expression list's values, then the result is TRUE. a0 IN (a1, a2, a3)

Logical Operators

Operator Meaning Example Usage
AND Returns TRUE if all expressions are TRUE, and FALSE otherwise. (a < 10) AND (b > 12)
NOT Returns TRUE if all expressions are FALSE, and TRUE otherwise. NOT (a = 5)
OR Returns TRUE if any of the expressions are TRUE, and FALSE otherwise. (b = 8) OR (b = 6)
XOR Returns TRUE if one expression is TRUE and the other is FALSE. Returns FALSE if both expressions are TRUE or both are FALSE. (b = 8) XOR (a > 14)

String Operators

Operator Meaning Example Usage
+ Concatenates strings and returns another string.
Note: The + operator does not support mixed datatypes (such as an integer and a string).
'go' + 'cart'

LIKE Operators

May be used in column expressions and WHERE clause expressions. LIKE supports the use of the LIKE and REGEXP_LIKE operators to match string expressions to strings that closely resemble each other but do not exactly match.

Operator Syntax and Meaning Example Usage
Matches WHERE clause string expressions to strings that closely resemble each other but do not exactly match.
compare_expression LIKE pattern_match_expression

The LIKE operator returns a value of TRUE if compare_expression matches pattern_match_expression, or FALSE if it does not. The expressions can contain wildcards, where the percent sign (%) matches any length string, and the underscore (_) matches any single character.

Trades.StockName LIKE "%Corp%"

[] Operator

The [] operator is only supported in the context of dictionaries and vectors.

Operator Syntax and Meaning Example Usage
Allows you to perform functions on rows other than the current row in a stream or window.

stream-or-window-name is the name of a stream or window and column indicates a column in the stream or window. index is an expression that can include literals, parameters, or operators, and evaluates to an integer. This integer indicates the stream or window row, in relation to the current row or to the window's sort order.


Order of Evaluation for Operators

When evaluating an expression with multiple operators, the engine evaluates operators with higher precedence before those with lower precedence. Those with equal precedence are evaluated from left to right within an expression. You can use parentheses to override operator precedence, since the engine evaluates expressions inside parentheses before evaluating those outside.

Note: The ^ operator is right-associative. Thus, a ^ b ^ c = a ^ (b ^ c), not (a ^ b) ^ c.
The operators in order of preference are as follows. Operators on the same line have the same precedence:
  • +.- (as unary operators)
  • ^
  • *, /, %
  • +, - (as binary operators and for concatenation)
  • =, !=, <>, <, >, <=, >= (comparison operators)
  • NOT
  • AND
  • OR, XOR