Editing Advanced Options in Project Configuration

Modify project deployment properties, project options, and instances in a project configuration file.

  1. In the CCR Project Configuration editor, select the Advanced tab.
  2. If no project deployment item exists, select Add.
  3. Choose a project deployment type from the Project Deployment Details window. The options are:
    Type Description
    Non-HA Non-HA deployments create one project option item and one instance item as children under the project deployment item.
    HA HA deployments create one project option item and two instance items as children under the project deployment item. HA provides for hot project failover between instances.
  4. To add an option, right-click the project options item and select New > option.
    This table outlines all available project options that can be set using the Project Configuration view in ESP Studio:
    Project Option Description
    on-error-discard-record If set to true, the record being computed is discarded when a computation failure occurs. If set to false, any uncomputed columns are null-padded and record processing continues. The default value is true.
    Note: If the computation of a key column fails, the record will be discarded regardless of this option.
    on-error-log If set to true, any computation errors that occur will be logged in the error message. The default value is true.
    java-classpath Set the java classpath. Value is a filepath to the classpath file.
    java-max-heap Set the max java heap for the project. Default value is 256 megabytes.
    utf8 Enable UTF-8 functionality on the server (by default, this is feature is off). Default value is false, set to true to enable.
    precision Set decimal display characteristics for number characters in the project. Default value is 6.
    command-port Set the command port number. This advanced option should not generally be set. If the port is 0, or out of range 1-65535, the program selects an arbitrary port. To define a specific port, set a value between 1 and 65535.
    sql-port Set the SQL port number. This advanced option should not generally be set. If the port is 0, or out of range 1-65535, the program selects an arbitrary port. To define a specific port, set a value between 1 and 65535.
    gateway-port Set the gateway port number. This advanced option should not generally be set. If the port is 0, or out of range 1-65535, the program selects an arbitrary port. To define a specific port, set a value between 1 and 65535.
    time-granularity Define time granularity within the project. This option specifies, in seconds, how often the set of performance records—one per stream and one per gateway connection—is obtained from the running Event Stream Processor. By default, time granularity is set to 5. Set this option to 0 to disable monitoring; this also optimizes performance.
    debug-level Set a logging level for debugging the project, ranging from 0-7. Where each number is represents the following:
    • 0: LOG_EMERG - system is unusable
    • 1: LOG_ALERT - action must be taken immediately
    • 2: LOG_CRIT - critical conditions
    • 3: LOG_ERR - error conditions
    • 4: LOG_WARNING - warning conditions
    • 5: LOG_NORMAL - normal but significant conditions
    • 6: LOG_INFO - informational
    • 7: LOG_DEBUG - debug level messages
    memory Set memory usage limits for the project. Default is 0, meaning unlimited.
    optimize Suppresses redundant store updates. Default value is false, set to true to enable.
    ignore-config-topology Enable this to ignore topology between projects. Default is false, set to true to enable.
    time-interval Set the constant interval expression that specifies the maximum age of rows in a window. By default, in seconds, set to 0, meaning no timer.
    Note: Each project option can only be added once. Implemented project options are no longer available in the drop-down list.
  5. To configure an option item, complete these fields:
    Option Description
    Name Select from the list of available options shown in the above table.
    Value Enter a value for the property option.
  6. To add an affinity under the instance item, right-click the instance item and select New > affinity. Complete these fields:
    Option Description
    Name Enter a name for the affinity item.
    Strength Select a strength level.
    Type Select a type. (for example, controller).
    Charge Select a charge.
  7. To remove items from the All Advanced Configurations list:
    • Select a project deployment item and click Remove.
    • Right-click an option or affinity item and select Delete.
Related concepts
Advanced Project Deployment Options
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