Starting a Node or Cluster

Start a cluster by starting its nodes. This task does not apply to the local (Studio) cluster.

Add nodes to your cluster and configure them.

A cluster must be running before you can deploy projects to it. To start a cluster, start manager nodes first, then controller-only nodes. Follow these steps for each node in the cluster, where <node-name> represents the name of a node in the cluster.

Note: The directory from which a node is started becomes the working directory for the node. The node looks for the file in the working directory.
  1. To start a node on a Windows host, execute:
    cd %ESP_HOME%\cluster\nodes\<node-name>
    %ESP_HOME%\bin\esp_server.exe --cluster-node <node-name>.xml
  2. To start a node on a UNIX host,
    • Execute this to start the node in the foreground:
      cd $ESP_HOME/cluster/nodes/<node-name>
      $ESP_HOME/bin/esp_server --cluster-node <node-name>.xml
    • Execute this to start the node in the background:
      cd $ESP_HOME/cluster/nodes/<node-name>
      nohup $ESP_HOME/bin/esp_server --cluster-node <node-name>.xml 2>&1 > esp-node-console.out &
      where esp-node-console.out is a file that collects console output. Specifying a console output file is optional because most console output, which is minimal for Event Stream Processor, is also recorded in cluster.log. (You can configure logging in Some users prefer to direct console output to /dev/null when running a node in the background.
  3. (Optional) Use the cluster administration tool to start and manage projects. Execute a command of this form to enter the tool’s interactive mode:
    esp_cluster_admin --uri=esp[s]://<host>:<port> --username=<user> [--password=<pass>]
    Provide the cluster URI and your credentials to complete the command and begin working with cluster administration commands. Use the URI protocol esps when the cluster is SSL-enabled. For clusters that are not SSL-enabled, use the protocol esp.
    Note: If you omit the password parameter when you call the esp_cluster_admin tool, Event Stream Processor prompts you for the password and hides it as you type, which improves security.
  4. (Optional) In esp_cluster_admin’s interactive mode,
    • Enter get projects to display a list of projects on this node.
    • To deploy a project to this node, enter a command of this form:
      add project <workspace-name>/
      <project-name> <project-name>.ccx [<projectname>.
      where <project-name>.ccx is the path to the compiled project file and <project-name>.ccr is the path to the project’s runtime configuration file. Include the CCR file for an HA (active-active) project or a project with affinities.
    • To start a project, enter a command of this form:
      start project <workspace-name>/
      <project-name> [<instance-index>]
      where <instance-index> specifies, for an HA project, which of the two instances (0 or 1) you want to start.
Related tasks
Adding a Node to a Cluster
Configuring a Cluster