Cluster Administrative Tool

The cluster administrative tool is one of several options you can use for cluster administration. Use it to add and remove projects and workspaces, and to query, start, and stop existing projects.

You can perform the same tasks in Event Stream Processor Studio and in Sybase Control Center.

The cluster administrative tool operates in interactive mode or command line mode. In interactive mode, connect to the cluster manager once and execute commands until you exit. In command line mode, the utility logs you out after each command; you must enter the URI and authentication details (which vary by authentication type) to connect to the cluster manager every time you specify a command.

Interactive mode requires less typing. Command line mode is intended for scripting. To use interactive mode, the password you use to connect to the cluster manager must begin with an alphabetic character.

Note: The parameters, excluding supported commands, are case-insensitive.
To connect to the cluster manager with RSA authentication:
esp_cluster_admin --uri=esp[s]://<host>:<port> --auth=rsa --keyalias=
<keyalias> --storepass=<storepass> --keystore=<keystore>
To connect to the cluster manager with ticket Kerberos authentication:
esp_cluster_admin --uri=esp[s]://<host>:<port> --auth=krb --krb-cache=
<krb-cache> --krb-kdc=<kdc-host> --krb-realm=<realm> --krb-service=<service>
To connect to the cluster manager with LDAP or native OS (user name/password) authentication:
esp_cluster_admin --uri=esp[s]://<host>:<port> --username=<user> 
Note: If you omit the password parameter when you call the esp_cluster_admin tool, Event Stream Processor prompts you for the password and hides it as you type, which improves security.
These interactive mode examples demonstrate the use of some of the parameters and commands:
 esp_cluster_admin --uri=esps://cluster_server:19011 --username=me --password=sybase
> get managers
> get workspaces
> get projects
These command line mode examples demonstrate the use of some of the parameters and commands:
esp_cluster_admin --uri=esp://cluster_server:19011 --username=me --password=sybase --get_managers
esp_cluster_admin --uri=esp://cluster_server:19011 --username=me --password=sybase --get_workspaces
esp_cluster_admin --uri=esp://cluster_server:19011 --username=me --password=sybase --get_projects
esp_cluster_admin Commands
Command Function

Interactive mode: get managers

Command line mode: --get_managers

Returns the host-name:rpc-port pairs for the managers in the cluster.

Interactive mode: get controllers

Command line mode: --get_controllers

Returns the list of controllers in the cluster.

Interactive mode: get workspaces

Command line mode: --get_workspaces

Returns the names of the workspaces in the cluster.

Interactive mode: get projects

Command line mode: --get_projects

Returns the list of projects, with their state.

Interactive mode: get project <workspace-name>/<project-name>

Command line mode: --get_projectdetail --workspace-name=<workspace-name> --project-name=<project-name>

Returns information about the specified project, including whether it is running, on which node it is running, and runtime details. For an active-active project, the command returns information for each instance, and identifies the primary and secondary instance.

Interactive mode: get streams <workspace-name>/<project-name>

Command line mode: --get_streams --workspace-name=<workspace-name> --project-name=<project-name>

Returns thestreams associated with a workspace.

Interactive mode: get schema <workspace-name>/<project-name> <stream-name>

Command line mode: --get_schema --workspace-name=<workspace-name> --project-name=<project-name> --stream-name=<stream-name>

Returns the schema of the specified stream.

Interactive mode: add workspace <workspace-name>

Command line mode: --add_workspace --workspace-name=<workspace-name> [ignore-error]

Adds a workspace. Use the optional ignore-error argument to add the workspace even when doing so causes a workspace error.

Interactive mode: add project <workspace-name>/<project-name> <project-name>.ccx [<project-name>.ccr]

Command line mode: --add_project --workspace-name=<workspace-name> --project-name=<project-name> --ccx=<project-name>.ccx [--ccr=<project-name>.ccr]

Adds a project.

<project-name>.ccx is the compiled project file. Specify the path to the file.

<project-name>.ccr is the project's runtime configuration file. Include the CCR file for an HA (active-active) project or a project with affinities. Specify the path to the file <project-name>.ccr and <project-name>.ccx are always located in the same directory.

Interactive mode: remove workspace <workspace-name>

Command line mode: --remove_workspace --workspace-name=<workspace-name> [ignore-error]

Removes a workspace. Use the optional ignore-error argument to remove the workspace even when doing so causes a workspace error.

Interactive mode: remove project <workspace-name>/<project-name>

Command line mode: --remove_project --workspace-name=<workspace-name> --project-name=<project-name>

Removes a project.

Prerequisite: Stop the project. You cannot remove a running project.

Interactive mode: start project <workspace-name>/<project-name> [timeout (sec)] [<instance-index>]

Command line mode: --start_project --workspace-name=<workspace-name> --project-name=<project-name> [--timeout=<timeout-in-seconds>] [--instance-index=<instance-index>]

Starts the project. If the project is added with a strong controller affinity and that controller is not available, start-up fails.

<timeout-in-seconds> specifies how long the call waits to verify that the project has started.

For an HA (active-active) project, the instance index specifies which of the two instances to start. Valid values are 0 and 1. Use get projector --get_project_detail to determine whether and where the instances are running.

Interactive mode: stop project <workspace-name>/<project-name> [timeout (sec)] [<instance-index>]

Command line mode: --stop_project --workspace-name=<workspace-name> --project-name=<project-name> [--timeout=<timeout-in-seconds>] [--instance-index=<instance-index>]

Stops the project.

<timeout-in-seconds> specifies how long the call waits to verify that the project has stopped.

For an HA (active-active) project, the instance index specifies which of the two instances to stop. Valid values are 0 and 1. Use get projector --get_project_detail to determine whether and where the instances are running

Interactive mode: stop node <node-name>

Command line mode: --stop_node --node-name=<node-name>

Stops the node but does not stop any projects running on the node unless this node is the only manager node. A warning appears if there are active projects on the node.

Interactive mode: encrypt <clear-text>

Command line mode: --encrypt_text --text=<clear-text>

Encrypts plain text data. Use this command to encrypt passwords in configuration files.

Interactive mode: deploykey <new-username> <keystore> <storepass> <key-alias> [<storetype>]

Command line mode: --deploy_key --new-user=<new-username> --keystore=<keystore> --storepass=<storepass> --key-alias=<key-alias> [--storetype=<storetype>]

Adds a new user by deploying a new user key to the keystore.

When you deploy a new user key, the node to which you send the deploy command updates the keystore, and the other nodes then reload that file. To test if the deploy key is working properly, log in to the cluster with the new key, but through a different node.

Interactive mode: reload policy

Command line mode: --reload_policy

Reloads the policy.xml file in a running cluster. If you have recently updated the existing policy file, the cluster is reverified against the new policy configuration upon reload.

Interactive mode: connect

Connect or reconnect a project to a cluster. This command is in interactive mode only.

Interactive mode: quit or exit

Logs you out of interactive mode. To reaccess the utility, provide your user name and password.

Interactive mode: help

Command line mode: --help

Displays a plain-text description of the esp_cluster_admin utility’s commands and usage information.
Related tasks
Configuring a Cluster
Configuring Access Control