Configure Connections to External Databases

Use the service.xml file to store service definition that store connection properties required for a database connection.


  • On UNIX systems, SAP recommends upgrading to version 2.3.0 or later of unixODBC. If you are using a version lower than 2.3.0, set a parameter for the driver that instructs the database manager not to synchronize database access. To do this, add a line that says “Threading = 0” for your driver in the odbcinst.ini file.

  • If you are running the SAP HANA Output adapter on a UNIX system, only use unixODBC 2.3.0 or higher.
    • If you are using version 2.3.0, add “Threading=0” in the odbcinst.ini file to ensure optimal adapter performance.
    • If you are using version 2.3.1, create a symbolic link under <2.3.1 installation folder>/lib as follows:
      ln -s

      This link is required because ESP links to, which unixODBC 2.3.1 has renamed With the link, ESP will now use

Create a separate service definition for every external database you want the Event Stream Processor Server to connect to. You can use the sample service configuration file in ESP_HOME/bin as a basis to create your custom service.xml file. To use the file in a running project, modify the services-file parameter in the cluster configuration file of the node on which you will run the project. This ensures that the project can find the service.xml file. For example,
<Property name="services-file">${ESP_HOME}/bin/service.xml</Property>
Related tasks
Linking to Your ODBC Driver Manager Library